In 1999, the Florida Legislature made a significant move to position Florida as a national leader in early education and care programs. They focused on creating a unified vision for publicly funded initiatives. With the oversight of the Florida Partnership for School Readiness, local communities gained the authority to unite local leaders to plan and envision the future. This effort concentrates resources where they are most effective: on the needs of children from birth to five years old.
In 2000, Escambia County established a local school readiness coalition under the leadership of community visionaries committed to the well-being of Escambia’s children. This initiative integrated the strengths of various programs into a cohesive system that supports working families, promotes school readiness for young children, and fosters a literate workforce essential for a thriving business economy. Ensuring children enter school prepared to learn enhances their chances of completing their education and becoming productive citizens.
In November 2002, Florida voters passed a constitutional amendment mandating a voluntary prekindergarten program for all four-year-old children by fall 2005. Governor Bush signed House Bill 1-A into law on January 2, 2005, establishing a program designed to prepare four-year-olds for kindergarten and build a strong foundation for their educational success. This program allows parents to enroll their eligible child (four years old by September 1 and residing in Florida) in a free VPK program. Participation is voluntary for both children and providers.
The first VPK classes began in the 2005-2006 school year, with public, private, and faith-based providers eligible to deliver the program if they meet the minimum legal standards. The inaugural summer VPK program was offered in 2006, providing an opportunity for children to participate in the summer immediately before their eligible kindergarten school year.
We achieve our goals with the support of the local early education community, including Childcare Centers, Pre-Kindergarten programs, Head Start, Family Child Care Homes, and Faith-based providers.
To identify and meet the needs of children and families to lay the foundation for lifetime success by: maximizing each child’s potential, preparing children to enter school ready to learn, and helping families achieve economic self-sufficiency.
To support this mission, the Coalition upholds these values:
- Early learning programs shall prepare children for success in school.
- Early learning programs shall involve parents as their child’s first teacher and support family skill-building,
- Early learning programs shall be an integrated and seamless system of services, implemented by the local coalition working with partnering agencies and programs.
- Early learning programs shall be coordinated, and public funding will be integrated to achieve effectiveness and efficiency.
- Early learning programs shall be supported in their efforts to expand professional development and promote program quality.